Friday, June 29, 2012

What I Learned at VBS.

This week at church we had Vacation Bible School, and I was truly blessed to be able to help out with the 3 and 4-year-olds. Serving with those preschooler's the Lord gave me so much joy and laughter. I thought I was going to just be helping out with VBS, filling a need, but as it usually works out the Lord used the kids to teach me just as much as He taught them.

Here are some other things I learned from them...

"Who lives in Bethlehem?" asked the teacher. 
"Spiders!" answered Grace. 
"Giants!" said Grayson.
"The sheep!" said A.J.
"I need to wash my hands," said Elizabeth.

"Why did God give you a heart?" the teacher asked.
"To love!" Sam said.
"God is AMAZING!" said Alexis jumping up and down.
"For Jesus to build a house!" said Sophia.

"God loved us SO much that....." the teacher said.
"Jesus came down!" said Alivia.
"He sent Jesus down!" said Sam.
"Spiders!" yelled Grayson.

"Why do we have missionaries?" asked the teacher as she pointed to a photo on her computer.
"For food!" said Leah.
"To eat!" said Grayson.
"My dad has that computer," explained Chase.

"What is the most important and special thing that a missionary can bring with him?" the teacher asked.
"Mommy!" said Kate.
"Water!" said Leah.
"Money!" said Catherine.
"ME!" said Grayson.

It was such a fun, hilarious, tiresome at times (for the kids too), and purposeful week.



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